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"Bitch! I see I need to teach you a lesson." Erica couldn't say anything. She was only dimly aware of the fists that kept smashing against her body. Finally she was only aware of a dull thudding in her brain."Goddamn bitch!" The beating stopped. Erica closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she was lying on the floor. She brushed her hair back and found it caked with blood. Her blood. She looked in the mirror and was shocked by what she saw. Her face was black and blue and crossed with a. There was a unison gasp of anticipation from the crowd as a man entered the stage, taking a microphone from its holder and clearing his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen." He announced, "the president of the united states of America!"The crowd cheered as the president herself entered the stage, waving with a big white smile plastered over her face. She was young, well dressed and ruthlessly charismatic. "Hello Nova city!" She called out as the announcer handed her the microphone. "How are ya'll. Und möglicherweise liebte er es auch einfach, in die Sterne zu schauen und den Wind auf der Haut zu spüren.Es verirrten sich nicht mehr viele Menschen hierher. Die meisten waren geflohen, denn die Stadt war nicht mehr sicher, noch unsicherer als jemals zuvor. Es gab wohl einige gemeinschaftliche Communitys, die sich als Reaktion auf den Zusammenbruch auf dem Land gebildet hatten, und andere Menschen waren in plündernde Banden zusammengekommen. Er selbst hatte sich davor gehütet, mit Menschen zu. She was in an awkward position on the floor with her legs wide open. She tried to get up but she couldn't find the strength. Suddenly the elevator stopped at her floor and the door opened. A few heads turned to see Siobhan on the floor spread eagled, looking as if she'd just been attacked by the old man next to her. Siobhan blushed with embarrassment and quickly stood up and staggered her way to her cubical. Just as she was about to enter it, Daniel peered out. He stopped and looked at her..
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